Dr. Alexander is a graduate of Colorado State Universitys acupuncture school and offers this as a complementary treatment modality. Acupuncture can be useful for a variety of conditions in horses. Musculoskeletal conditions, such as back pain, decrease in stride, generalized body soreness and stiffness are all conditions that respond well to acupuncture. Acupuncture helps these conditions as well as others by increasing blood flow, relieving muscle tension, and promoting relaxation. One advantage of acupuncture is that it is able to treat areas of the body such as the pelvis and sacro-iliac region that are often not particularly responsive to many of our western modalities. While acupuncture is a very effective treatment for a wide variety of problems, it is not a "cure-all" and is often integrated into a complete treatment plan that includes but is not limited to acupuncture alone.
We are leaders in equine dental care. Our patients receive annual exams that are performed under sedation utilizing a dental light and mouth speculum. Common problems such as sharp points and overgrown teeth are carefully corrected with motorized dental instruments. Bit seats and incisor reductions are performed to create comfort and balance. Routine dental care is vital for the health and longevity of your horse. Dental disease, if not addressed, often gets worse with time leading to problems with performance, bit comfort, and tooth loss. Advanced dental disease is seen in many older horses and may require extraction or periodontal treatment. All of these procedures are available at East River Equine Hospital.
Lameness and Sports Medicine
Multiple diagnostic tools are available for the diagnosis and treatment of lameness in the horse. Careful evaluation and observation of the horse at a walk and trot are many times the first step in a complete lameness evaluation. More information can be gained through the use of hoof testers, flexion tests, and lunging. Once a limb or limbs have been identified, diagnostic nerve block may be required to further isolate the lameness. Diagnostic blocks are performed by placing a local anesthetic over the nerve(s) to desensitize the area of the leg to be isolated. Once the lameness has been localized with diagnostic nerve blocks, digital radiographs and/or ultrasound of the affected region can be performed. After identifying the problem, a specific treatment plan can be provided to fit the needs of the horse.
We offer consultation and advanced therapeutic shoeing to treat hoof and lower limb problems such as laminitis, quarter cracks, hoof imbalances, under run heels, angular limb deformities, and other disorders. We work together with several journeymen farriers to offer solutions for specific hoof conditions. Treatments include application of hospital plates, street nail procedures, specialized laminitic support shoes, full roller motion shoes, and acrylic repairs for hoof wall avulsions and white line disease. Stabilization of acutely laminitic horses is performed with aggressive medical care and hoof support.
Sterile Maggot Therapy
We utilize sterile maggot therapy for deep penetrating injuries to the hoof and limbs. Patients often achieve excellent outcomes. Maggots have the ability to eliminate only the necrotic tissue in a traumatic wound and are placed in the diseased area after surgical removal of the damaged tissue.
We will perform castrations standing or under general anesthesia in our padded knock-down room.
Health Papers and Coggin's Test and Piroplasosis Testing
Coggins tests can be performed overnight or with a five day turn around. This test is required for interstate travel and is also required by some show coordinators. A certificate of veterinary inspection (health paper) is also required by all states before crossing state lines and must be accompanied with a current Coggins test. Each state has different requirements and individual shows and race tracks have their own rules. Admission now may also require Piroplasmosis testing. Negative testing requires seven to ten day turn around. Call ahead and we can make sure your paperwork is in order.
We provide video endoscopy for the diagnosis of acute and chronic respiratory diseases and infections. Airway pathology is visualized on a 22 inch color monitor on a Pentax endoscopy system. Common conditions that can be identified by visualizing the upper airways include EIPH (bleeding during exercise), gutteral pouch infections, displacement of soft palates, and paralysis of the vocal cords (roaring). Cultures and microscopic examination of airway fluid samples help direct therapy for a successful outcome.
Reproductive Services
We provide reproductive services through artificial insemination and live cover. We offer insemination of shipped semen to mares that are brought into our facility and on farm service. Pre-breeding examinations, and uterine cultures, and biopsies are performed within our own laboratory. Stallion collection for shipment and examination is also performed in our breeding area.
Digital Radiography
X-ray examination is performed with an advanced digital Fuji x-ray system. This x-ray system produces the highest quality digital images required for accurate diagnosis of lameness. X-ray images can be burned onto a CD for safe storage or communicated to a referral hospital. Specific navicular views, venograms for laminitic feet, and dental x-rays are examples of advanced imaging performed at our hospital.
This devastating disease is common throughout Indiana and Ohio. Several medical treatment options are available and our ability to restore normal function has been remarkably increased by new treatment options in recent years. Combinations of two medications with or without immune stimulants has specifically improved outcomes.
Wound Healing Services
Serious lacerations are commonplace for the horse. Prompt actions, surgical repair, and bandaging are the main principles behind successful repair. Often skin is missing or severely damaged and closure of the wound is challenging. We offer wound reconstruction and skin grafting as aids to wound healing. Bracing or casting of the injured leg may be required to speed heeling time.
Equine Vaccination Recommendations
Combination vaccines that include the common infectious diseases are available for purchase at our clinic. On farm vaccination is available upon request. Call for recommendations based on your individual needs.